BBS is partnering with Business by Design (BBD), a Baghdad-based company specializing in Business Consultation and Career Coaching, to deliver training sessions to students as part of the Career Development Program (CDP). BBD’s training will take place over three months and cover topics such as personal branding and career curating, which will help BBS students develop their professional identities and successfully navigate the job market and their careers.
The partnership is part of BBS’s commitment to equipping our students with the essential tools so they can not only figure out what they would like to do with their lives and careers, but also how they can achieve these goals. The BBS CDP has five parts: s:
- Training. “On-the-job market” and “on-the-job” training is conducted to assist students in networking, mindset, CV, cover letter and interview preparation. Also, they learn about professional etiquette, time-management, teamwork, leadership, communication, problem-solving, negotiation, and critical thinking.
- Professional Development Lecture Series (PDLS): Guest lecturers from various private sector fields introduce different fields, sectors, and provide career advice.
- Mentorship: Each student is assigned a mentor to guide them through job applications, industry challenges, and various other topics.
- Internship and Job Placement: Coordination of internship and job opportunities for BBS students and graduates.
- Equity in the Workplace. Lectures and training to prepare students to be good colleagues, team members, and leaders at work.
BBD’s offers top-notch services to companies and individuals to help them reach their full potential, using the most up-to-date methodologies, tools, and technologies. At BBS, BBD will provide in-person career coaching training covering key topics like self-awareness, career planning, self-control, growth mindset, and setting priorities.
The current employment rate for BBS students and Alumni is 90%. They work at companies such as NBI, Baly, Zain Cash, Alsaree3, and many others.